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Kate Pincus-Whitney in Vogue Polska

–  I love words, but they have always eluded me –  says Kate, adding that she works much better in poetry or painting – without a beginning, middle and end, rigid rules and frameworks. From an early age, free creation was for her a safe oasis where imagination reigned supreme.


–  I still remember reading "Sam I  Am" in class or when  Q turned into  P and  G turned into  9. The words just didn't make sense  - she recalls her first contact with the education system. It quickly turned out that Kate's mind worked differently than most children.


But the diagnosis, which was made at an early stage, was not a painful pigeonhole, but brought acceptance. Dyslexia became a part of her life, a way of perceiving the world, a feature of her personality.


Kate had difficulty absorbing written texts, but she loved listening to books read aloud. Immersing herself in history, she created her own illustrations. –  From an early age, I acquired great proficiency in synthesizing the world using visual language  – she admits, today treating her dyslexia as a superpower. It was she who triggered the natural expression of creation in Pincus-Whitney so early and forced her to follow an individual path. It allowed us to create a separate world, which today we would call a coherent and expressive artistic language.